Monday, November 24, 2008

Thank God For...You!

I gotta thank Momma for the cookin',
Daddy for the whoopin',
The devil for the trouble that I get into...
-- "Thank God For You"
Sawyer Brown, ca. 1992
I loved that song! So much, in fact, that I can still sing it word-for-word now, 18 years later. No small feat, considering I sometimes have trouble remembering my name these days.
What I loved about the song then were the catchy lyrics and the snappy tune. What I love now is the message itself. The end of the chorus (and the title line) sums it all up for me...
"...O gotta give credit where credit is due
I thank the bank for the money,
Thank God for you!"
And I do thank God for you! Thank God for you, my faithful readers, who are willing to scroll through the ramble to get to the "good stuff" (when there is any). Thank God for you, my loving family, who supports me and my wild-brained ideas. And possibly most importantly, thank God for you, my fellow Christians, who strive to keep the Word of God first and foremost in the lives of yourself and those around you.
The Apostle Paul felt similarly:

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all,
that your faith is spoken of, throughout the whole world.
- Romans 1:8
If the Apostle Paul was never too good to give credit to his fellow Christians, then why can't we do the same? take a moment this Thanksgiving week to thank God for your fellow Christians...then be sure to thank God for them as well. Thanking God for ALL the blessings in our life - isn't that what the Thanksgiving holiday is all about?
I thank Momma for the cookin', Daddy for the whoopin',...and I thank God for YOU! Have a great Thanksgiving week!

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