Monday, November 17, 2008

In ALL things?

"Giving thanks always, in all things, unto God"
- Ephesians 5:20

Ready or not, the holidays are upon us! Have you looked at a calendar lately? Thanksgiving is NEXT week! Hard to believe, isn't it?

Hard to believe, and hard to celebrate, considering:

- Gas prices are hovering around the $2 per gallon mark
- The Big Three automakers are hurting and begging for help
- Americans owe more money to the credit card companies than any other time in recent history
- Layoffs are rampant, from large corporations to small mom-and-pop's
- And (insert your own recent economic misfortune here)

Never in U.S. history have Americans faced such a grim economic facade during the holiday season. Never before has my generation had to worry about our 401(k) declining by over 20% in any 30-day period. Never before have suicide rates among professionals equaled today's tallies. And never before have Americans given up hope as fast as we are right now.

And yet the Bible tells us to give thanks? Not only that, but give thanks "in all things!" How do we thank God for an economic downturn in the holiday season?

A few hints to be thankful for:

- Gas prices are over 33% CHEAPER than last holiday season!
- The Big Three are now forced to compete by giving us economical rides rivaling that of their foreign competitors
- Credit card companies are now offering lower rates to keep their customers from switching creditors
- Layoffs and economic crises have reminded us as Americans to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith
- And (Find a positive about your "downturns" and enter it here)'s all in how you look at it. We WILL survive this credit crunch because we ARE survivors. That's we do as Americans, and (More importantly) that's who we are as Christians. As Christians, we know that our outLOOK determines the outCOME.

Stay optimistic, focus on the positive, and thank God for ALL things! Have a great week on this the week before Thanksgiving!

I'd love to hear from you - post a positive comment today and let's let everyone know that Christ holds all the answers! Praise Him in all things!

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