Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Didn't Know It!

Both the boys are talking pretty good now. Joseph can say whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and often does. (Like when he saw a man with an eye-patch and asked me, out loud, "Daddy, is he a pirate?") And Jacob? At just shy of 2 years old, he knows just enough words to get himself in trouble. He can repeat anything he hears, and often does.

And that's when Daddy gets in trouble!

It's funny how much the kiddos hear when they're NOT listening, isn't it? I may call them in from playing ten times to finally get a response, but all I have to do is say one wrong word and it will come back to haunt me. Not that I cuss like a sailor, or even cuss at all anymore, but I do say things I don't want them to hear. And believe me...those phrases come out at just the precise moment that they are listening!

I have to watch my back for my own kids.

It kind of reminds me of Jacob in the Old Testament, when he said "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it." Surely the kids were listening, but I did not know it. Surely someone heard me talk behind their back, but I did not know it. Surely God is in EVERY place (work, home, school, church), but I do not always know it! At least I don't always act like it...

Remember this as you go through your day: Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, however you say it, "Surely the Lord is in this place..." Do you know it?

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