Monday, October 20, 2008

Dad, the Christian Servant

"So He got up...girded a towel about his waist..
and began to wash His disciples' feet."
- John 13:4-5, paraphrased

I don't know exactly what I expected, but it surely wasn't this. Maybe I expected to be placed on a pedestal, although neither he nor He ever was. Maybe I expected life ever-after to be smooth-sailing, although neither was his nor His. Or maybe, with a hint of spite, I expected to immediately gain an earthly inheritance to rule over my enemies, although neither he nor He ever did.

Either way, it wasn't what I expected. But I am thankful for it even more so, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You see, my father taught this son the example of THE Son of THE Father. My father taught me to serve, just like God taught Christ to serve.

To recap, it went something like this: My heart pounded, my mind raced, and my feet began to move down the aisle. I was met up front by Tommy Dozier, the song leader whom I had idolized. Tommy spoke to me briefly and, after determining that it was time for my baptism, asked who I would like to dunk me. The choices were the visiting revivalist, the pulpit minister, or one of the deacons. Dad was a deacon, and I chose Dad to perform the honors. (I'm sure he was both honored and humbled, as I will be when my own children accept Christ.)

Dad and I made our way to the baptistry, where we changed clothes and walked into the water together. He asked a question, I made the confession, then he dunked me. After an "I'm proud of you moment," we dried off, returned to our blue jeans, and proceeded to set tables for a church-wide fellowship. (Not for me, I might add, although my sinister little mind might have expected it...)

It was then, leaving my own baptism "ceremony" to carry tables for the church, that God taught me what being a Christian really is. Being a Christian is being a servant, just as Christ was. Setting up tables and serving communion, taking out garbage and filtering out trash, hearing confessions and biting tongues, washing dirty feet and changing empty lives. Serving.

To be a Christian is to be like Christ, to be like Christ is to be a servant, and to be a servant is to be like Dad. Thanks Dad, for being a servant. Thanks Dad, for teaching me to serve. And thanks God, for giving me such a Dad!

Oh God, that I will never cease to serve you!


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