Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Avoid the Very Appearance

"Hey Bro! What did Dad mean when he wrote to 'avoid the very appearance of evil?'"

"Dad always means what He says. Avoid the very appearance of evil."

"The very appearance of evil, huh?"

"The very appearance of evil. Avoid it."

"I don't drink, don't smoke, don't dance...sounds like a bad country song, but I don't do anything evil. Am I okay?"

"You don't do much evil, but do others see that in you?"


"Evil. Do others see it in you, or better yet, do they see you in evil?"

"How would I know if others see me in evil. And how can I stop them from thinking I am doing something evil?"

"By avoiding evil."

"Haven't we been through this before?"

"You still don't get it. Don't just avoid drinking, avoid the whole liquor store. Don't just avoid smoking, but stay out of the tobacco shop. Don't just avoid dancing, stay completely away from the club. Avoid the very appearance."

"Avoid the very appearance...So that means that, even though I'm not participating, I should never be near evil in the first place?"

"Exactly! Avoid the very appearance. Your witness is your walk."

"My witness is my walk?"

"Your witness is your walk."

"Sounds like a discussion for tomorrow..."

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon..."Conversations with my Brother..."

Look often for a series of postings titled "Conversations with my Brother," written by myself after inspiring times of prayer. These prayers, or conversations, occur between me and my Most Trusted Brother, and often happen during the morning commute.

First in the series, "Avoid the Very Appearance," will appear on or before Tuesday, 8/11. Stay tuned...