Friday, January 9, 2009

Life is a marathon!

"Life is a marathon, not a sprint...
Pace yourself."
(Paraphrased from The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick)
I've just finished a conversation with one of my coworkers in which she was trying to plan the "madness of the day." As an Event Coordinator, Resha has these "mad" days quite often...she has confided in me that the anxiety leading up to these big days is eating away at her private time, causing a lack of energy and enthusiasm. Resha needs to pace herself.
In their recent book The Love Dare, the Kendrick brothers talk about the "marathon" that is life. It seems that we have become too busy to do the most essentials of life: Love God, love each other, and love life itself. And now we need to pace ourselves
I have recently become friends with several avid runners, some of whom have even travelled overseas to run in distinguished marathons. While I never plan to get that deep into running, I am picking up some life-lessons from each of these guys. The first piece of advice they will give is to pace yourself.
Some runners start to at a sprint, only to give up during the middle leg of the race. Others begin slow, then sprint mid-ways through; they hope for a dramatic comeback, but never seem to get quite caught up. And still another group tries to sprint the last leg; failure is eminent, since their body is already worn out by that time.
My advice is to follow Runner Scotty's advice, who is adhering to the advice Coworker Resha was given, which matches the advice the Kendrick brothers give: Start steady, remain steady, and end steady. In short, pace yourself!
Right now I encourage you to being a new pace in life. Get up early enough to begin the day with God, who can then set the pace for the remainder of the day. Pause for a break along the way, thanking and praising Him for the little things that make life memorable. Then, at the end of the day, be sure to spend enough quality time showing God how much you appreciate the gift of life!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2009! At the risk of adding to an already perfect piece of advice, I simply quote my Pastor, who quoted the prophet Isaiah...

"Do not call to mind the former things or ponder things of the past. Behold I will do something new, now it will spring forth." (Isaiah 43:18)

This year, I resolve to forget the past while making things right for the future. Enough said?